January 18th, 2008Years and years, my friends. What am I about, you ask? Let me fill you in:
I’ve been a musician since childhood. I started with trumpet, quit that and moved to guitar in my teens, dropped that and delved in to electronic music. These days, I will play any instrument I can. I’ve got a black violin currently in repair, a bunch of drums, some classic synths, electronic drums pads and brains, and a whole studio of recording gear. I’ve gotten my hands on a friend’s Russian bayan and the Chinese erhu and want to play them more. Music is great, it feeds my soul.
What about black music? I started in the late 80s listening to Public Enemy, like so many other white boys. I can honestly say, though, that I couldn’t stand the Beastie Boys from the start, and no, I wasn’t jamming to Ice Ice baby. Instead, I got in to De La Soul and Fishbone. Admittedly, I listened to more white music, but what are the roots of so many white acts?
“Why differentiate between white and black?” People may try to pretend that they “can’t see color”, but unless blind, they are lying. Who said being different is bad or something to ignore? Should we pretend that we all are the same? It would be a boring world if we did, 1984 style.
All I know is that science tells us that we all originated from Africa. Somewhere in the distant past, we were all brothers and sisters. We still are, and we should act like it.
When I initially came up with this Coydigga idea, I was trying to bust down walls in terms of political correctness. I’ve grown over the years and have realized that what I thought would be pushing boundaries to bring unity would have done the opposite. The mission was never one of hate. I’m a humanist, I don’t care about political borders or geographic divisions, all people are people, and unless they are oppressing others, I will stand by and stand up them no matter their origin.
That is what I’m about and will be on about in my forth coming releases under the moniker Coydigga.